UNION Minister for Border Affairs Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung, accompanied by Colonel Kyaw Thura, Kachin State Government Minister of Security and Border Affairs, and U Sai Tun Nyo, Director-General of the Progress of Border Area and National Races Department, arrived at the Training School for Development of Nationalities Youth from Border Areas in PutaO on the afternoon of 26 December.
The Union minister met and greeted the students, provided cash award, school uniforms, and school stationery, and inspected the dormitory on the school campus, mess hall, and construction works being built to accommodate more students. The Union minister and the party arrived at the vocational Training School for Women met with staff and trainees, and emphasized the importance of proficiency in domestic subjects and assistance in career follow-up after graduation. The Union minister also inspected the training school.
Afterwards, the Union minister and the party visited Hokho, Zeya Theikdhi Philanthropic Monastery in PutaO paying respects to the abbot Sayadaw. Meals and food items were donated to ensure the monks and students had the necessary provisions. The Union minister inspected the construction of an RC one-storey mess hall (90 by 30 feet), which was donated by the Ministry of Border Affairs on the school campus, and gave the necessary instructions.
On the morning of 27 December, the Union Minister and the party arrived at the Magweza Bridge over Kasankha River: Magwe-Khaunglanhpu Project of the western part of Maykha River and the water crossings that have been carried out to ensure no downhill erosion on the road. They inspected the temporary lodgings built for tourists and observed the surrounding scenery of the 7,700-foot-high Sansooche Valley. The Union minister gave instructions to officials to carry out activities to improve future tourism and ensure comfort and peace for leisure visitors.
Furthermore, the Union minister and the party inspected the completed reconstruction of the bridges damaged by the rainy season's natural disaster and viewed Khaunglanhpu region Commemorative Rawang and Lisu statues, and maintenance of the condition of the Redam suspension bridge.
On the morning of 28 December, the Union minister and the party visited Khaunglanphu and inspected the building of a two-storey guest house, the paving of concrete roads, the high school, the expansion of the new city residence, the continuation of the city ring road as a smooth gravel road, operation of Rawang National Park, and the football ground. He inspected the sales in the market stalls in the Myoma market and gave instructions to the officials to continue implementing what was necessary for the development of the city.
The Union minister and the party then inspected the building of the earthen road connecting Khaunglanhpu to Saranpha, the road between Khaunglanphu and Ridam, the land designated for bus and truck terminal areas in Khaunglanphu, the place where the scenery will be observed blowing up rocky hill to widen the road, clearance of landslides, and the state of paving of the gravel road into Thalathaw village.
Next, the Union minister and the party arrived at the construction site of the 600-foot Ridam Bridge over the Maykha River, and the engineer in charge explained the progress of the bridge construction. The Union minister clarified the matters to be coordinated and implemented by the two ministries. The Union minister and the party arrived at the Magweza-Khaunglanhpu Road project office and inspected the engineers working on the road, awarding cash to road workers and battlefield engineer troops.