Department Policies, Missions and Functions

The Department Policies are as Follows-

(1)  To Develop Border Areas .

(2)  To Develop Socio-economic life of the National Races .

(3)  To Strengthen the Union Sprit.


Missions of the Ministry

(a)     To preserve and maintain the security, prevalence of law and order and regional peace and tranquility  of the border areas.

(c)     To develop socio-economy of national races by establishing infrastructune  in border areas.

(e)     To propagate religious affairs in the border areas.

(g)     To serve the development of their respective  Regions  by their willingness.


The duties and functions of the Department are as follows:-

(a)   Determination of special development areas;

(b)   Drawing up the long-term and short term plans for the development of border areas;

(c)   Implementing the long-term and short-term plans which are approved by the Central Committee for the Development of Border Areas and National Races;

(d)   Implementing the development works which have been prescribed by the Work Committee for the Development of the Border Areas and National Races for immediate performance;

(e)   Implementing socio-economic infrastructure for the border areas with annual plans such as:

        i.    Roads and Bridges;

        ii.   Water Supply;

               a.  Agriculture

               b. Drinking Water

      iii.    Electricity;

              a. Hydropower

              b. Solar Energy

      iv.    Housing.

       v.    Development Activities for Peace Making

              a. Roads & Bridges

              b. Education

              c. Health

              d. Housing

(f)   To set up the  culture exchanging programs in order for all Nationalities Youth in Development areas to enrich a wider knowledge.
(g)    To carry out national  affairs  as a priority in accordence with the desire  of  Nationalities Youth.
(h)     To make arrangements for the promotion and  propagation religious affairs in the border areas.
(i)    To make arrangements for establishing crops cultivation, livestock  breeding and cottage industries in substitution for poppy cultivation.   
(j)     To protect and preserve border boundary pillars and markers.

(k)    To cooperate with the United Nations Organzations, International Organzations, Regional Organzations and persons in responsible position with the intention of implementing the development work programs in border areas more effectively.