Sitagu Sayadaw Dr Ashin Nyanissara, the Chancellor of Sitagu International Buddhist Academies, presented clothes and other items donated by the well-wishers in the Republic of Korea, for the people living in Naga Self-Administered Zone and remote areas of Chin State yesterday.
The ceremony to hand over the items was held at the Sitagu International Buddhist Academy in Dagon Myothit (north) Township, Yangon, through the Ministry of Border Affairs.
The Sitagu Sayadaw said that the donation items will be useful for the locals in far-flung areas in facing against severe weather in rainy season.
The Deputy Minister for Border Affairs said the donation items will be sent to the hard to reach areas of Leshi, Lahe and Nanyun of Naga Self-Administered Zone, and Mindat and Matupi townships of Chin State in coordination with Chin State government and Naga Self-Administered Zone.
The donation included 49,898 items in 16 kinds, including jackets, trousers, shoes and baby wears.