With the aim of promoting the skills and capabilities of the civil servants and helping them achieve successful implementation of the objectives of the two departments under the Ministry, training courses have been organized since 1998 to the present time. So far, 6091 male trainees and 10278 female trainees, altogether 16369 trainees have been trained and 395 courses have been conducted. (The conducted courses, the strength of the trainees who have already finished the courses and the number of courses can be seen in the attached file.)
During an individual fiscal year, the following courses are being conducted the whole year round.
No Name of the course Strength
(a) Course for Enhancing the Potential of the Executive Officers 15
(b) Leadership Course for Programme of Peace and Progress 30
of the Border Areas and National Races
(c) Instructor Course for Advanced Tailoring 20
(d) Course for Clerks 30
(e) Motorized Sewing Machine Course 50
(f) Computerized Embroidery Course 20
(g) Special Course for Finance Regulation 30
(h) Store-keeping Course 30