Youth Training Schools

  • Purpose

    Training School for Development of Nationalities Youth from Border Areas is opened with the following objectives:

    1. To become national youths who are seeking education, more united and cherish each other
      with strong union spirit
    2. To become the youths who believe in and preserve these three main national courses:
      Non-disintegration of the Union, Non-disintegration of the National Solidarity, and
      Perpetuation of the Sovereignty of the State
    3. To resume the development work in their area after graduation
    4. To nurture and train the young generation to become highly educated with full of talent
      for the country
    5. To strengthen the spirit of hardworking for the development at the border area
      and the highly standard of living of the people who are living in the border area
    6. To cultivate the spirit of hardworking in building a peaceful and modern developed nation


  • Student qualifications to be accepted

    At Training School for Development of Nationalities Youth from Border Areas, fresher who has the following qualifications are strictly accepted.

    1. Must be a citizen of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar
    2. Must live in remote area far away from cities or townships in border areas
      and must be proficient in their own ethnic language
    3. Must be orphan, fatherless, motherless and poor students
    4. Must be the students who have high intelligence, good at basic education, 
      and who want to study and try to learn eagerly among the students  
      mentioned in paragraph (3)
    5. Must be in good health and physically fit. (Students with chronic diseases,
      physical disabilities, mental illness, poor health such as 
      underdeveloped brains and those with tattoos are not allowed
      to be accepted)
    6., Must be grade-5 students between the ages of 11 and 12. The students who
      are attending from Grade -6 to the Grade-8 are needed to get approval of the
      Department (headquarter) for permission to attend if one or two parents 
      passed away and it is needed to show death certificate.
    7. Must be able to understand and follow the rules and regulations established
      the training school
    8. Students are not allowed to move to their parents place
    9. Students will be accepted depending on the capacity of the dormitory
      each school
  • Selection System

    Training School for Development of Nationalities Youth from Border Areas, students are strictly selected by the school supervisory committee in the relevant region using the following priority system:

         ‌a.  Orphan

         b. Fatherless

         c. Motherless

         d. Poor