UNION Border Affairs Minister Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung, accompanied by officials, inspected the construction of a one-mile concrete road with K260.948 million granted by the Ministry of Border Affairs for the 2022-2023 financial year on the 5/7 Mile village-to-village road of Kankawkyun– Zawmatet– Chaungnwe in Sittway Township, the 150-foot bridge over the Zawmatet Creek, which was built with an approved amount of K294.778 million in the 2020- 2021FY, and the concrete road that will be implemented with an approved amount of K307.875 million in the 2023-2024FY.
The Union minister also assigned duties to submit systematic field survey and calculation reports in order to upgrade the road to an 18 feet wide concrete road.
The Union minister inspected the damaged staff housing and office buildings of the Border Region Development Supervision Office and coordinated the necessary matters.
Afterwards, Union Minister Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung cordially greeted the staff and families and provided foodstuffs and cash assistance to them.
He next proceeded to the border area ethnic youth development training school and inspected the clear-up and repair of the damaged dormitories and mess hall so that the school can be opened in time, and provided foodstuffs and cash assistance. — MNA/TS